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NAPHTHALIZES is an English word with 12 letters, see more words with 12 letters

Nearby Words

naphthalized : naphthalizes : naphthalizing

Words that rhyme with naphthalizes

naphthalises naphthalized naphthalines naphthalize naphthalised naphthalise naphthalenes naphthalins naphthaline naphthalene

Suffixes of naphthalizes

aphthalizes phthalizes hthalizes thalizes halizes alizes lizes izes zes es

Prefixes of naphthalizes

naphthalize naphthaliz naphthali naphthal naphtha naphth napht naph nap na

Digrams (Letter Pairs) in naphthalizes

al ap es ha ht iz li na ph th ze

Anagrams of 'naphthalizes'

Words containing the word NAPHTHALIZES