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OVERFOCUSING is an English word with 12 letters, see more words with 12 letters

Nearby Words

overfocuses : overfocusing : overfocussed

Words that rhyme with overfocusing

overfocussing prefocussing overofficing overfocusses prefocusing overfocussed overfocuses overfocused effervescing overfishing

Suffixes of overfocusing

verfocusing erfocusing rfocusing focusing ocusing cusing using sing ing ng

Prefixes of overfocusing

overfocusin overfocusi overfocus overfocu overfoc overfo overf over ove ov

Digrams (Letter Pairs) in overfocusing

cu er fo in ng oc ov rf si us ve

Anagrams of 'overfocusing'

Words containing the word OVERFOCUSING