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LAEVOROTATION is an English word with 13 letters, see more words with 13 letters

Nearby Words

laevorotary : laevorotation : laevorotations

Words that rhyme with laevorotation

laevorotations laevorotatory levorotatory laevorotary elaborative laboratories levorotary elaboratories elaborating laparotomies

Suffixes of laevorotation

aevorotation evorotation vorotation orotation rotation otation tation ation tion ion on

Prefixes of laevorotation

laevorotatio laevorotati laevorotat laevorota laevorot laevoro laevor laevo laev lae la

Words that start with laevorotation


Digrams (Letter Pairs) in laevorotation

ae at ev io la on or ot ro ta ti vo

Anagrams of 'laevorotation'

Words containing the word LAEVOROTATION